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 Jahne's Bio/CV



…. was begun in June 2021 -  Jahne has determined to paint

A Miniature every day for one year. Ongoing. 2023 - painting a Tarot on TeaBags, one every day.



Mt. Macedon Gallery from 2023

MORRIS ROAD STUDIO (home gallery and studio)  - work available for viewing and sale by appointment.



This project was begun in Melbourne Australia after the Twin Tower Catastrophe

called “9/11”. From 9/11 to January 2016, One thousand Angel images of all sizes

were painted and sold. Only four remain in the artist’s personal collection.



61 solo Exhibitions in Australia and overseas since 1966

Overseas: prints and cards generated from each exhibition

Exhibition Monash University 1976

Exhibition in Washington DC 1987

Exhibition in New York 1991/2(Private showing)

Greenwich Conn.(Private showing)

New York. New York. (Private showing)

Private showings in Arizona and Dallas.

Private showings in Chile.

Gallery representation. Amsterdam 2004.

Numerous small exhibitions in BLUE LADY STUDIO.



Dr Sylvia Earle (Steinhardt Aquarium) SF

Dr. Joseph Mc.Innes, Toronto

Al Giddings, Cinematographer, SF

Stan Waterman, Cinematographer, SF

Carl Sagan, Physicist (author, COSMOS)

Thor Heyerdahl (International adventurer, KON TIKI)

Ken Myer (Major corporate collector, Melbourne)

P. & G. de Burgh-Day (Melbourne)

Mr. Richard Gordon Jnr. (Conn. USA)

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith (Melbourne)

Department of Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)

Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC) grant to study, sale of work.

Scientific Illustrator. The Museum of Victoria (Presentations for the Chairman

and delegates of the World Cephalopod Congress) Melbourne.

Hawker Richardson Engineering, Melbourne.

Snell & Wilmer & Assoc.,(Phoenix, Az.)

Arrego Y Dorr, Santiago,(Chile.)

Projects for the Late Ms Annie ten Brink, Melbourne. 1979 to 2015.

The Family Coots. Melbourne 2018

Zoran and Caroline Vizec.  Commissions 2018 and ongoing.



Jahne published a Tarot Deck of the major Arcana in 2008. It has been selling globally since that time.

She is represented in Europe in the Museum of Tarot in Madrid, and by Shop Olivia Leung in Sichuan, China.

Jahne has been nominated for the position of Australasian Representative of the American Tarot Guild.



Member – Woodend Art Group.

Group showing at the 2018 Cup Day Exhibition.

Focus Room '23 - TAROT AND THE TEA BAG

Tutor at Woodend Art Group


Ongoing Exhibitions at RED RESTAURANT in Woodend,

Private commissions and monthly exhibitions via Home Studio - subject matter - Watercolours on Tea bags

and through  instagram, facebook and web site



Subjects on Commission.

March '23:  Woodend Lions Club Exhibition.

June '23: Exhibition at Mt.Macedon Gallery.

August '23: Exhibition at THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Flinders St. Melbourne.

July '23: Zoom presentation with The Tarot Guild.




Zen knows only a vast life

which contains all kinds of contradictions in deep harmony.

The night is in harmony with the day,

and life is in harmony with death,

and the earth is harmony with the sky.


The presence is in harmony with the absence.

This immense harmony,

This synchronicity is the essential manifestation of Zen.


This is the only way of life which respects and loves

and denies nothing, condemns nothing.


OSHO: The Zen Manifesto 

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